Upload documents

You can upload supporting documents for your R&D claim. To do this, click on the action (+) button and select Upload document.

Document upload.png

This opens the ‘Document Upload’ panel.

Document upload panel.png

  • You can drag and drop files into this panel, or click the “Browse files” button to select a file from your system.
  • Once you have selected the file, the panel will automatically upload the file.
  • Once the file is uploaded, the filename will have a tick next to it. If the file upload does not succeed, you will be notified in this panel.

Document upload progress.png

  • When you have uploaded all your documents, you can close the document upload panel by clicking the ‘X’ icon.

Tip: Adding documents to your project and activities helps to support your claim. We recommend you add as much supporting documentation as possible, and ensure that they are kept up-to-date.

Supporting documentation can include:

  • project planning documents
  • progress reports and minutes of project meetings
  • test protocols, test results, analysis of test results and conclusions
  • photographs and videos
  • samples, prototypes, scrap and other artefacts
  • records of resources allocated to the project (e.g. asset usage logs)
  • staff time sheets

Any documents that provide evidence of the projects undertaken should be uploaded here, and they can then be discussed with your consultant to help form your claim.