Time tracking

You are able to log time to projects and activities. To do this, click on the “Track time” button on the top right-hand side of the screen.

Tracking time.png

This opens the “Time entry” panel (see screenshot below).

Tracking time panel.png

On this panel, you need to enter:

  • the duration of time worked (time needs to be entered in the format 1h30m),
  • the date the work was started
  • the employee who did the work
  • the project and activity the work was completed for

You can also enter notes, but it is not mandatory. However, to further strengthen your claim, we recommend you add notes about the time logged where possible.

After entering the relevant information, click the “Save” button to log the time.

  • Tip: in order to claim a time entry as an expense, you need to relate it to a core or supporting activity—this validates the time spent to an actual task. You can leave a time log without an allocated activity at the project-level, but it cannot be claimed as an expense.

Export time logs

You can export time logs from the R&D platform. To do this, click the action (+) button, and select “Export time logs”. This automatically exports and downloads the logs in .csv format

  • Note: The time log export is context-dependent. So, if you are at a core activity level, it will export all the time logs under that core and it's supporting activities. If you're under a supporting activity, it will only export the time logs under that activity.