

Creating a new project

  • Click on the “Add new project” button on the top right-hand side of the screen to add a new project.
  • This opens the “Add project” panel, where you will need to enter the project name and start date.

New project panel.png

  • If you know the end date of the project and the project budget you can enter those details here, however these are not mandatory fields.
  • Once you have entered the relevant information, click the ‘Create new project’ button. You will now see this project listed in the Project screen.

Editing project details

To edit a project’s details you will need to navigate to that project dashboard by clicking on the project in the project list first.

Navigating to a project.png

After navigating to the project, you will see the Project details panel on the left hand side. You can edit all of the information directly in this panel. If you update any details, you will need to save them by scrolling to the bottom of this panel and clicking the “Save changes” button.

Editing project details.png

R&D Objectives and New Knowledge

To view or add new commercial or R&D objectives:

  • Click the ‘View/Edit’ link next to the ‘Objectives’ heading. This will open a panel on the right hand side of the screen, where you can enter the information as necessary.
  • When you have finished adding the information, you will need to click the 'Save changes' button in the project panel

Entering objectives.png