Main information section

The main information section lists out the data that you’ll need to update regularly, such as projects, time logs, and supporting documents.

Main information screen.png

  • Action button (+)

At the top right of the main information section, you’ll notice an action button that is represented by a circle with a plus (+) icon. From here you can perform a range of actions, such as exporting time logs, adding new activities, and uploading documents.

Action button.png

  • Track time button

This button allows you to enter a new time log, if your employees have been working away on your R&D Projects.

Track time.png

Company information

When you first log in to the platform, you will view all the company-specific information here. This includes:

  • List of all the projects your company is undertaking for R&D
  • List of all time logs related to your projects
  • List of all documents related to your projects

Project information

When drilling down into more details about a particular project, this section will update with data logged to that project, such as:

  • Its core and supporting activities
  • Time logged to the project—either associated with an activity or just at the project level
  • Documents uploaded project-wide

Core activity information

When drilling down into more details about a core activity, this section will update with data logged to that activity, such as:

  • Supporting activities (if any)
  • Time logs for that activity, and its supporting activities
  • Documents uploaded to that activity

Core activity screen.png

Supporting activity information

When drilling down into more details about a supporting activity, this section will update with data logged to that activity, such as:

  • Time logs for that activity
  • Documents uploaded to that activity

Support activity screen.png