Dashboard overview

The dashboard contains an overview of your R&D projects. In this dashboard you can view handy information such as:

  • ABN
  • Phone numbers
  • Addresses
  • Company website
  • Principal business activity
  • Annual turnover
  • Taxable income / loss
  • Export sales

The dashboard is divided up into two main sections:

  • The left-hand overview

Left hand overview.png

  • Main information section

Main information section.png

As you drill further down into project and activity details, these sections will update their content based on the context.

Left-hand overview

The left-hand overview contains general information that is unlikely to be edited regularly. At the top of this section there are links that you can click on to move back and forth between your projects.


Company information

When you first log in to the platform, you will be able to see information at the company level in your left-hand overview, such as:

  • ABN
  • Phone numbers
  • Addresses
  • Company website
  • Principal business activity
  • Annual turnover
  • Taxable income / loss
  • Export sales

If you have Employees logging time to R&D projects, you can also add them to the company at the bottom of this panel. You can find more information about adding employees to R&D Project Tracker here

Project information

When drilling down into more details about a project, this section will update with general information about that particular project, such as:

  • Project name
  • Start / end dates
  • Project budget / expenditure
  • Information about the project objectives and new knowledge

Project information.png

Core activity information

When drilling down into more details about a project’s core activity, this section will update with general information about that particular activity, such as:

  • Activity name
  • Start / end dates
  • Tests and experiments performed for that activity

Core activity.png

Support activity information

When drilling down into more details about a support activity, this section will update with general information about that particular activity, such as:

  • Activity name
  • Start / end dates
  • Additional details on how that support activity relates to the core activity

Support activity.png