Add employees

Add employees

Employees are staff at the company that directly work on R&D projects. They cannot log into R&D Project Tracker themselves, but you must register some basic details about each employee so that you can add them to time logs.

  • Tip: For each employee, you will need to provide a name and an email address. If you are using one of R&D Project Tracker’s time tracking integrations, you’ll need to make sure that this email address matches the address of the account they are logging time with in that app too.

You can add an employee in the left-hand overview section. To add an employee, scroll to the bottom of the overview section and click the “Add Employee” button.

Adding employees.png

This opens the “Add employee” panel, where you can enter the employee’s first name, last name, and email address.

Adding employees panel.png

  • Note: You will need to add all the employees at the company that are working on R&D projects before you are able to track time for them.